First blog post & NaNoWriMo

Okay, this is the first blog post for the Tarot Trish website. This is where I muse. Share what is going on in my tarot studies – you know,  blog stuff!

To recap very briefly, why this is all happening, I will give the very very short backstory on Tarot Trish. It is important because it will explain why you will be seeing blogs about Nanowrimo over the next month.

I have been interested in tarot since way back when my mom got me my first tarot deck. I don’t have it anymore, and that is another story I will surely tell in the future. A few years back, I decided to delve into learning the cards with some seriousness. I balance this with working and school, so its pretty hectic sometimes.

I know a few people who are, or have created a tarot deck, and the artist in me is very interested in that, but I realize I have a long way to go before I am ready to conceptualize how I would create a tarot deck. But I do want to create/publish something that captures what I have learned, and the artist in me demanded to be a part of it, so I decided to create Tarot Trish. She is an avatar for me, but has taken on a life of her own, and has her own way of learning the Tarot. She has some interesting friends, from some interesting worlds, and she is just waiting to share her adventures with everyone.

Now, the problem is, me – Trish, while being an artist, am not a professional artist, and I don’t have professional artist work ethics or experience. So learning how to tell a story through visual art is new to me and painfully slow. Writing on the other hand is not a problem. So following some great advice I received at Edmonton Expo this year, I am going to write the story and hire an experienced artist to work with me on the visual story telling.

So thats how Nanowrimo fits in. I have participated in it several times over the past 12 years, sometimes completing the challenge – which is a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days of November – and sometimes not. To be truthful after proving I could do it the first time, I have participated simply because I love being a part of it, and never worried about finishing again.

This year, I am going to write the Tarot Trish story, and by the end of November, I will have something – it may not be much, to work with and have drawn.

Wish me luck!

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